Welcome to IGF2016! Download this booklet with useful general information, create your schedule below and participate!
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NYC Privacy Board Advocates
Co Organizer
New York City
Create an official privacy board where City Agencies can discuss and debate privacy concern amongst themselves and with the citizenry.
Wednesday, December 7

09:00 CST

10:15 CST

10:45 CST

12:00 CST

13:00 CST

13:25 CST

15:00 CST

17:00 CST

Thursday, December 8

09:00 CST

10:15 CST

10:45 CST

12:00 CST

15:00 CST

15:05 CST

16:30 CST

Friday, December 9

10:45 CST

14:15 CST

15:00 CST